Apply for a Studio


Criteria for PAF Membership

Place des artistes de Farrellton (PAF) provides studio space for professional artists who actively participate in the operation of PAF and comply with PAF Regulations.


Criteria we consider when assessing applications:

  • Level of activity/dedication to your art practice

  • Professionalism

  • Intent for the studio space and practice

  • Quality of work and how it is presented

  • Ability to work in a cooperative setting and willingness to contribute to the co-op

  • Probability of growing in the environment

  • How your chosen medium or media add to/complement the diversification of media within the co-op.

How to Apply

Include the following:


Phone number


CV (Curriculum Vitae)

Letter of intent

attach 10 jpegs of work (no older than 5 years) and accompanying list of those works

* if applicable

Text files may be in any of the following formats: doc, docx, pdf, rtf, txt

Email your submission to: